I've been listening to your last two Mind Escape podcasts. I tried listening to send an email to you after the first one, but gmail bounced it back to me, because it didn't recognise the email address you gave out, so I've pasted it to the bottom of this message. As far as Jaime Maussin is concerned, I think he's gullible, rather than being a fraud, but I may be wrong. I plan to spend a couple of months in Mexico soon, so I'll do my own research, which I I'm sure you'd agree with. You also mentioned the origins of of the Vedic soma/Iranian homa. Well, that hypothesis relies on the Aryan invasion theory of Indian pre-history and that's increasingly being discredited by archaeological and linguistic evidence. If you want to know more, I suggest you check out the work of Dr. David Frawley, but there are other scholars who are also providing a critique of the Aryan invasion theory, which was really a byproduct of British imperialism.

Here's my email about the previous episode. I'd add only that you might want to check out the work of the theoretical physicist David Bohm, whose work is really important to all of this:

Hi Mike,

Firstly, I just wanted to tell you and Maurice how much I enjoyed watching your video, As Within, so Without: from UFOs to DMT. It was extremely well put together and focused on peoples' experiences, without pushing any particular ideology. My last statement expresses my appreciation that both of you are more than capable of discernment; which is not easy, given the subject matter of your video, especially in these crazy times. I look forward to your next effort.

I've just listened to your latest podcast, and I understand why you felt the need to rant about what I like to call alternative archaeology. I suppose I could be called something like that myself, but I know exactly what you're driving at. I do, however, want to speak up for Graham. Having read all of his books on the subject, I really don't think that he has much - if anything - to say about the cliche of ancient advanced technology, or whatever similar nonsense some others like to spout about. I don't agree with everything Graham has said - for instance about Tiwanaku in the Andes - but that's not the point. He's a decent person, who acts with integrity and in good faith. Believe me, those are both rare qualities among the inhabitants of the field of alternative archaeology!

Your wider point is a good one, though. Where is the evidence of all of this supposed 'advanced technology'? Well, my answer to that is another question: would we even recognise it as technology, if the science that created it was so radically different from ours? In your previous podcast you said, quite rightly, that Greg Little deserves more recognition for his work. Personally, I think his greatest contribution to understanding ancient cultures may well be his identification of the importance of plasma. Over 90% of the cosmos consists of plasma and modern physics knows next to nothing about it - at least in the public arena. In more than ten years of visiting archaeological sites in the Andes, I've come to recognise that pre-Hispanic cultures used plasma technologies that no modern archaeologist - academic or 'alternative' - has the slightest hope of identifying. If we in the twenty-first century know nothing of the science, how can we hope to understand any technology derived from it?

My years of research in South America have taught me a lot about the way the world really is. It's not what we are told; not by the academics, nor by the ancient alienists and their ilk. There is evidence for a much older civilisation in the Andes than the academic consensus would allow. The fact of the matter is that it's being suppressed for reasons that are too complex to go into here, but I'm not just making this up. I can assure you of that. Let's say just that it might have something to do with that very different science I was telling you about earlier. That's my speculation, but the plasma science is very real. In fact, it's probably far more real than all of those ontic billiard balls that particle physicists keep wasting taxpayers' money trying to find.

I'm very interested in the Homo Naledi discoveries you spoke of too. I noticed you mentioned that the skeletons were found in foetal positions. It's also something you find in South America, among Inca remains, but with earlier cultures, as well. I find that quite curious. It's almost as if the deceased person is being made ready to be born into a new life. So did Homo Naledi consider the soul to be immortal, I wonder? Those same hominins, I understand, were in the habit of making geometrical inscriptions on the walls of that cave system in South Africa. Why were they interested in geometry, and how did they learn of it? They are also interesting questions; and, if you were inclined towards Platonism, you might consider there to be a connection between geometry and immortality. (The cave would be an optional extra, but as H Naledi could use fire, he'd have seen the shadows cast on the cave wall anyway). Homo Naledi had such a small brain, as well, when compared with ours. It's almost as if consciousness might not be an epiphenomenon of the brain after all, but even that it could be considered in terms of primacy. Hmmmmm...................... Now that's a hard problem for any self-respecting materialist to consider.

Thanks again,


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Hello! Wow thank you for listening and the long thoughtful message. You can try sending me emails at MindEscapePodcast.com or dm me on any of the other social medias other than indras. I tried for years to get Indras web going and people are addicted to the normal ones so I have kind of let it go. I tried to get others with more time to manage it and just not working out so I have to figure out what to do with it. As far the Soma/Homa stuff I tried finding these new linguistic models and theories that suggest the indo iranian models are wrong with a etymology origin of indo euro language, could not find a reputable source. The way I understand it is archaeologists vs Indian nationalists who claim they have been there forever except can’t provide great evidence for that other than those cultures coming from bengal and southern Indian regions. To be I have no dog in the fight but I am happy to be wrong if you can show me or send me evidence of what you are describing. The David Frawley guy has been heavily debunked and I have seen his videos and videos critical of his work. Based on epistemology I have to side with the mainstream on this one also I know more than most about entheogen and ancient entheogen use and the trail leads there. I will check out David Bohm. So if you watch my critique episode of Graham’s Ancient Apocalypse series I with Laura from Megalith Hunter and my friend Sandi who is a massive hancock supporter you will see I defend Graham against racism and fraud accusations. Ive read all of Grahams non fiction as well multiple times. I have nothing personal against him but he lately has been propping people up like Jimmy guy from Bright Insight who is a total turd and other terrible researchers and I believe jimmy is a scammer grifter. I believe Graham believes in his own research and what he is doing but just like David grusch and all this ufo gov stuff does not make it true unfortunately. I would love to believe in this stuff that’s why I continue to investigate even though of late ive been let down. Time will tell and if Im wrong ill happily own and I don’t want to be right. Dr. Greg is a great guy and yeah Ive said my peace on that. The homo naledi stuff is very very exciting indeed. I look forward to discussing the metaphysics of homo naledi and rising star cave finds for years to come. Sounds like you do a ton of research into this stuff and I appreciate that. You welcome to come on the show to discuss your work or research or debate anything you laid out. Im not dogmatic either way just looking for the best possible answers and truth for this current time in reality and science paradigm. I really appreciate you reaching out. Thanks


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Sorry our email is MindEscapePodcast@gmail.com forgot the gmail part lol

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Thanks for your prompt and thoughtful comments Mike. I'll dig out some Youtube videos I've watched of lectures given in India (not by David Frawley) that quote evidence that runs counter to the Aryan invasion theory, so please watch this space.

As for David Bohm. Did you know that he was one of Oppenheimer's Phd students? In fact, it was, Bohm's thesis on plasma physics that enabled Oppenheimer to develop the A bomb in WW2. Bohm didn't actually work on the Manhattan Project, as I understand it, though. He maintained an understanding of quantum theory that was different from the Copenhagen interpretation that most of the others followed and which is now the only version of quantum theory that people know about. Greg and Andrew Collins write about Bohm's work on plasma physics in their latest book, which I've gone into more depth in my own research. I know it may sound wacky, but I think some ancient cultures did have an understanding of plasma and quantum physics that was similar to Bohm's. That's why we don't understand any of those ruins, because their physics was so different; not because they were built by aliens..

I'm writing a book about this and Tiiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) in Bolivia at the moment. Thanks for the offer to come on your show. You might want to check out my Substack articles: https://open.substack.com/pub/davidtruman/p/the-lost-cosmology-of-pakal-the-great?r=mx3qu&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I haven't done much to publicise them, because I've been busy with the book. I hope you'll see that my research is based on credible sources and I've spent more than ten years going on field visits to Bolivia and the Andes as wwll.

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